Thursday, February 26, 2015

Causation IS Correlation!

Let’s get to the core of the Swanson paper and start talking about correlations.

“Correlation is not causation”.  How often have we seen this mantra on pro-GMO websites!  It’s as if they only have to say the magic words and they win the argument.  The picture is reinforced by graphs like this:

You may recognize this meme, it’s been floating around on pro-GMO websites for quite a while.  It’s kind of fun because it’s so ridiculous—calculated to really piss off organic food fans.  And the intended take-home message is that correlations are pretty well valueless.  To counter that, I’ve deliberately entitled this post “Causation IS Correlation”.
How can that be?  If I say “Bob is not Bill” and “Bill is Bob”, haven’t I contradicted myself (unless I’ve cheated by bringing in a different Bill and/or a different Bob)?  Sure, but talking about individuals is very different from talking about sets.  To cover all possibilities, consider two circles, one containing the set of possible causes for a given phenomenon, the other the set of the things that correlate with that phenomenon:

                    Image result for two circles

A:                           Correlations                     Causes

                              Image result for two circles overlapping
B:                                      Correlations       Causes

                                    Image result for one circle inside another

C:                                      Correlations/

For any phenomenon X (say autism) there will be both correlating-causative  and correlating-noncausative factors.  In the A diagram (valid only for Bill-and-Bob cases) causes and correlations are entirely separate, have nothing whatsoever to do with one another.  This is the picture that I’m sure GMO supporters would like to leave you with.  In the B diagram, correlations and causes overlap, so that autism might fall into the overlapping area (where its cause(s) is/are) or outside it, where organic food-sales lie.  GMO supporters wouldn’t mind you leaving with this picture, either.

But the only diagram that fits reality where sets are involved is diagram C, where the circle containing sets of posible causes is entirely enclosed by the circle containing sets of correlations.  What this means is that, for any given phenomenon, there may be correlations that are not really causes, but whatever the cause is, there will be accompanying correlation(s).  So “correlation is not causation” is only a half-truth.  The other half is the title of this post.  Wherever there is a cause there will be a correlation, so correlations form an invaluable tool for shrinking the search space in which the true causes for any phenomenon will be found.  That's why pretty well all sciences use correlations at one time or another--especially when true causes are not readily apparent.  And it's not readily apparent why the U.S.,  a country that prides itself on having the world's most advanced medicine, should have so many diseases that are getting steadily worse

Nobody, least of all Swanson et al., is saying that correlation proves causation.
Here’s all that that paper claims: “The significance and strength of the correlations show that the effects of glyphosate and GE crops on human health should be further investigated.”  No more than that.  The only thing you might question is whether the correlations are strong enough and significant enough to warrant such investigation.

How do you test for strength and significance?  First the strength of a correlation; according to Wikipedia, “There are several correlation coefficients, often denoted ρ or r, measuring the degree of correlation. The most common of these is the Pearson correlation coefficient.”  This, then, is a natural choice for Swanson et al.  Once you arrive at a coefficient, its strength can be measured by its closeness to the ideal: +1.0.  This is to some extent context-dependent—as Wikipedia points out, “A correlation of 0.8 may be very low if one is verifying a physical law using high-quality instruments, but may be regarded as very high in the social sciences where there may be a greater contribution from complicating factors.”  The causes of things like autism or cancer obviously come somewhere between these, so the fact that at least twelve of the Swanson correlations between a negative health condition and GE crop/glyphosate use are higher than 0.95 should be enough to disturb anyone.

But there’s still the issue of significance.  After all, autism/organic-food-sales yielded a 0.99 correlation.  However, purveyors of the GMO jokegraph conveniently forgot about the Bradford Hill criteria.  There are eight of them, of which the most relevant in this case are:

1.     Plausibility: A plausible mechanism between cause and effect. (OK for Swanson: glyphosate has known toxicity. Not OK for organic food sales or organic food consumption--what do you suppose everyone was eating a couple of hundred years ago?)

2.     Coherence: Coherence between epidemiological and laboratory findings increases the likelihood of an effect (there are plenty of laboratory findings for glyphosate damage if you care to look for them—note that most if not all of the papers that give glyphosate a clean bill of health evince no awareness of the facts provided in “Unsafe at Any Dose?”. But there are no lab findings that organic food damages your health.)

Even if all eight criteria are satisfied, as Bradford Hill points out, that still doesn’t amount to proof until the mechanism causing the effect has been indisputably demonstrated.  But correlations as strong and as significant as those the Swanson paper points out demand further and deeper investigation.  Adding to their significance is the fact that these correlations involve not just one or two conditions but nearly two dozen.  One or two might be chance, but two dozen?  Come on!

There is at least one further consideration that must be taken into account if we are to properly evaluate the significance of this particular smoking gun.  It involves cancer.

The National Cancer Institute’s Cancer Trends Progress Report (2011-12) at (apparently the most recent available) shows that while overall cancer incidence rates are falling, the rate for eleven cancer types is rising.  Swanson et al. cover five of those types—pancreatic, thyroid, kidney, liver, and myeloid leukemia--while their sixth, bladder cancer, is not separately listed in the Report.  Why are these cancers bucking the trend?  Nobody knows.   “The causes of pancreatic cancer are mysterious. Although certain risk factors have been identified, the story is far from complete” (WebMD).  “We don't know what causes thyroid cancer” (Cancer Research U.K.)  “It’s not clear what causes most cases of liver cancer” (Mayo Clinic).  “Doctors don't know the causes of kidney cancer” (WebMD).  “We don't know exactly what causes bladder cancer” (Cancer Research U.K.)

Now for the big question: what do the pancreas, the thyroid gland, the liver, the kidneys, and the bladder have in common?  Answer: all but one are directly involved in metabolism, the process by which your body converts what you eat and drink into energy, while that one, the thyroid, regulates the energy thus produced.   We can therefore conclude that whatever is driving the increase in incidence can only be something in the environment that we ingest, that appeared relatively recently, and that is increasing in use.  Apart from pesticides and foods made with GMOs, how many other things can you think of that meet all these criteria?

Finally, please note the green trend lines in some of Swanson et al.'s figures (#s 7, 10 through 15, 24 and 26, for those of you who have the paper to hand).  Nobody is claiming glyphosate or GMOs as the sole cause of the selected diseases, nobody is even claiming that either of these is the sole cause for recent increases in their incidence.  For several of the conditions described, numbers were already increasing from 1980 or even earlier.  What the green trend lines show is the incidence that would have been predicted if no additional cause(s) had emerged after 1990.  But in all nine of these figures, the actual incidence is far higher than the predicted incidence.  These trend lines not only show that some new factor(s) must be present, but they pinpoint  the exact time that incidence started to rise faster than the trend--the same time for each of the nine conditions, which just happens to be the year in which large-scale spraying and consumption of GMO foods really took off. 

I need go no further.  If the Swanson et al. paper is right, the health of millions of Americans is at stake.  On the one hand is all the empirical evidence that they have collected; on the other there are only repeated assurances that GMOs and pesticides are safe, flying in the face of a fact that to the best of my knowledge no GMO advocate has even tried to dispute—the fact that, as I described in “Unsafe at Any Dose?”, we can no longer trust the “safe-dose levels” on which those assurances are based.  The contentions of this paper MUST be investigated and they must be investigated NOW!

Update on the Update on Autism

Well, the question "What exactly is glyphosate?" won't go away. Yesterday I got the following from Nancy Swanson:

'Kent said: "Organophosphate insecticides work by affecting the enzyme
acetylcholinesterase. Glyphosate does not have this mode of action."

How do we know this?

Arthur said:  "Definition of an Organophosate: An organophosphate or phosphate ester
is the general name for esters of phosphoric acid. Esters are chemical compounds derived from an acid in which at least one-OH (hydroxyl) group is replaced by an -O-alkyl (alkoxy) group.Glyphosate is formulated as an isopropylamine salt. While it can be described as an organophosphorus compound, glyphosate is not an organophosphate ester but a phosphanoglycine, and it does not inhibit cholinesterase activity."

Isopropylamine salt is only ONE formulation of glyphosate, and not the most commonly used. Formulations of glyphosate include an acid, monoammonium salt, diammonium salt, isopropylamine salt, potassium salt, sodium salt, and trimethylsulfonium or trimesium salt.

Scroll down to Organophosphorus herbicides and what do you find?

and here:

If it isn't an organophosphate, then why is it classified as one?'

I'm not a chemist and I won't even try to have the last word here.  Readers who are experts are more than welcome to chip in.  But Swanson et al. shows the epidemiological evidence that glyphosate is harmful to humans, and by tomorrow at latest I should have a post up discussing just this.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Update on Autism + GLP ban

In response to a comment by Kent Wagoner, I checked around on the web and I also contacted Janie Shelton, lead author on Shelton et al. 2014.  Here’s what I learned:
“Organophosphate” can be defined in more than one way.  On some definitions glyphosate can be included among organophosphates, but not by the toxicological definition because it has a different mode of action from other organophosphates—while it is an organophosphorous compound, it’s not an organophosphate ester but a phosphanoglycine, and therefore does not inhibit cholinesterase.  That means it does not have the same kind of neurotoxic effect as organophosphate insecticides do.

But the really important thing I found out was this.  Because it works on a mechanism different from that of most insecticides, it was not included in the study!  This doesn’t mean glyphosate is off the hook, far from it—as I suggested in my answer to Kent’s comment, there’s more than one way in which autism might be induced, and Dr. Shelton herself wrote me that “due to the widespread use of glyphosate I encourage research on the impacts of early life exposure”.  Rather than any neurotoxic effect, it seems likely that glyphosate might adversely impact gastrointestinal fauna, and for a likely connection between that and autism see   Adams, J.B., Johansen, L.J., Powell, L.D., Quig, D. and Rubin, R.A. (2011) Gastrointestinal Flora and Gastrointestinal Status in Children with Autism―Comparisons to Typical Children and Correlation with Autism Severity. BMC Gastroenterology, 11.  Keep watching this blog, I’ll get back to this.

On an unrelated matter, my banning from GLP continues to rebound against the banners.  More and more readers who want answers to some of the issues I’ve raised are coming to this site.  Thanks, GLP.  I appreciate your service.  And in response to one GLP reader who wondered whether my blocking might be “a technical issue”, maybe you should consider explaining the real reason to your readers.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Yes, Virginia, Pesticides DO Cause Autism

I’m no stranger to autism.  Way back in the eighties (or early nineties?) someone invited me to an autism conference.  With dropping jaw I listened to Liz Bates, a prominent linguist now alas deceased, telling the audience that autism was caused by mothers failing to make eye contact with their babies.  That night, in the home of an autism-stricken family, I heard some horror stories including one of a child of three, normally developed until then, not just speaking fluently but speaking three languages, who suddenly and for no apparent reason turned into a speechless affectless obsessive-compulsive in a matter of weeks.

At that time I was more interested in the language of autists than anything else, and then only so far as this afforded a window into the structure of language.  Well, it proved a very murky window, and I had other things to do.  But I remained interested in late-onset autism—like the poor trilingual kid had—because it didn’t match the story that autism was purely genetic.  It seemed blatantly obvious that some environmental factor came into play, probably interacting with a genetic predisposition but still the main culprit in such cases, if only because it was evitable.  I wrote to various autism journals to drum up some interest.  If as I suspected there were two kinds of autism, differently generated, researchers should take note of that.  But no-one seemed interested.

Fast-forward to 2010, when while blogging for Psychology Today, “Autism Awareness Month” came up.  After criticizing its unusually incompetent handling in a PBS “Frontline” and reviewing the vaccine explanation (not proven, I judged, but not entirely disproven either) I wrote:

   “There are countless reports of children as old as three with normal development who suddenly lose language and social skills and regress to an autistic state. What percentage of the autistic community do these represent? We don't know. Nobody seems to be looking, because vaccine defenders tell us it's an illusion. One story was that parents just didn't notice their child's abnormalities until too late. This story, deeply insulting to any parent, has been replaced by a milder version; the "regressing" children had actually, all along, shown "subtle signs" of abnormality that only expert eyes could spot (remember the old bio-lab adage," Believing is seeing"?) Vaccine defenders seem determined to cling to the Gospel of Genes and rule out any environmental causes.
     “As for the numbers, we all know them--at least a twentyfold increase in a quarter-century. Sure, some of that increase is due to broadening definitions, to the inclusion of many milder cases plus some that would have been diagnosed as simply ‘retarded’. But if that was the only factor involved, if there was no environmental input into later developmental stages, the number of cases that would have been classified as autism in 1985 should have remained more or less constant until today. Have they? We don't know. Moreover, rates in California started to rise steeply in 1988, six years before DSM IV broadened the definition.”

Oh, California!  In those days I knew next to nothing about pesticide spraying and GMOs, and I certainly didn’t realize that California was maybe the most sprayed state in the country, hence a natural experiment for testing the effects of pesticides—on, among other things, the incidence of autism.

Since 2010, of course, autism rates have kept on rising.  We’re still told “it’s all genetic” and “the increase is due to the changed criteria”.  Well, as I pointed out in the quote above, the rise in autism in California preceded the broadened definition by six years.  I’m not disputing that this definition, which turned “Autism” into “ASD” (Autism spectrum disorder) did increase the numbers.  But by more than two orders of magnitude?  Don’t insult my intelligence.

Well, to no particular fanfare, and way under the pro-GMO radar, UC Davis launched the program CHARGE (Childhood Autism Risks from Genetics and the Environment) in 2003 as “the first comprehensive study of environmental causes and risk factors for autism and developmental delay.”  Their site ( explicitly states, contra the professional autism community, that neither genes nor broadening criteria could be the sole cause of the monstrous increase in autism diagnoses.  Moreover, while discounting the possibility that any single factor could be responsible, it places the finger of blame squarely upon environmental factors that presumably triggered inherited predispositions.

Well, one of those factors turns out to be (roll of drums, surprise surprise) PESTICIDES! 

The crucial paper (not CHARGE’s only one, btw) is Janie F. Shelton, Estella M. Geraghty, Daniel J. Tancredi, Lora D. Delwiche, Rebecca J. Schmidt, Beate Ritz, Robin L. Hansen, and Irva Hertz-Picciotto (2014) Neurodevelopmental Disorders and Prenatal Residential Proximity to Agricultural Pesticides: The CHARGE Study. Environ Health Perspect; DOI:10.1289/ehp.1307044, available at  (notice the nih in the URL?).  They start the ball rolling by pointing out that 200 million pounds of pesticides are sprayed in California every year, which makes it a natural laboratory for toxicity studies, and in that first paragraph alone they cite no less than twelve papers that show some form of “abnormal and impaired neurodevelopment in children”, one of them relating specifically to ASD and one to ASD’s broader diagnostic category PPD (Pervasive Developmental Disorder).  The study is based on more than 1,600 participants “whose parents answer extensive questionnaires regarding environmental exposures including their place of residence during pregnancy. Here we report on ASD and DD (Developmental Delay) in relation to gestational residential proximity to agricultural pesticide applications”.

After discussing a number of possible confounds and explaining very carefully how the protocol dealt with these, the authors arrived at the following conclusion: “For exposure (any vs. none) during pregnancy, children with ASD were 60% more likely to have organophosphates applied nearby the home than mothers of TD (Typically Developing, i.e. “normal”) children. Children with DD were nearly 150% more likely to have carbamate pesticides applied near the home during pregnancy” [my italics, DB].

In other words, even the slightest exposure to organophosphates could increase the possibility that autism would occur—which of course is exactly what you would expect, given the facts reviewed in “Unsafe at Any Dose”.   More convincing is still is the fact that different pesticides cause different probabilities of damage, showing that this is not a “one-size-fits-all” denunciation of pesticides but one that suggests, again as you might expect, that different chemicals affect different developmental processes to different degrees of intensity.

What are those processes?  We don’t know yet.  Why not?  BECAUSE WE STILL DON’T KNOW WHAT CAUSES ANY TYPE OF ASD!!!  In other words, Shelton and co. are at the cutting edge of science, and the facts that they have unearthed should make it all the easier to ultimately track the precise developmental pathways whose disruption triggers autism.

“But wait a minute,” GMO defenders will predictably say, “is this Real Science?  Bet you it was in another junk journal!!!”

Not.  Environmental Health Perspectives is “published with support from the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), National Institutes of Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services…It is a publication of the U.S. Federal Government…With an impact factor of 7.03, EHP is the third-ranked journal in Public, Environmental, and Occupational Health, the fourth-ranked journal in Toxicology, and the fifth-ranked journal in Environmental Sciences.”

“But nowhere in the paper does it mention Roundup or Glyphosate!”

Glyphosate IS an organophosphate.  See the Finnish doctoral dissertation (2009, University of Kuopio) entitled “Fate of the organophosphate herbicide glyphosate in arable soils and its relationship to soil phosphorus status” by Pirkko Laitinen of MTT Agrifood Research Finland, Plant Production, FI-31600 Jokioinen, Finland (you can find this at  So the link’s complete, and the stage is set for my next post, which will discuss the Swanson et al. correlation of glyphosate with autism, nationwide.